Our Programs
We love what we do and we know you will too!

Dylan's BrainRx Story
BrainRx is both a pioneer and leader in the field of cognitive training with an active, international cognitive research institute, and is the largest one-on-one personal brain training organisation in the world.
BrainRx is our core cognitive development program. Offered on a one-on-one basis with a BrainRx Cognitive Trainer, this non-invasive program works on all the core cognitive skills for struggling, average and advanced students of all ages (age 6 to 96).
The client/trainer relationship is foundational to the BrainRx experience.
At BrainRx, you’ll do fun, challenging exercises for your brain with the help of your own personal Cognitive Trainer.
To understand the impact of working with a personal Cognitive Trainer, physical fitness training provides a great analogy. Think about what it’s like to commit to working out daily at the gym with a personal trainer who customizes your workouts, holds you accountable, and encourages you beyond your comfort zone.
Now compare that with the experience of purchasing an online workout program with the good intentions of making time to work out when you feel like it. See the difference? That’s the difference a training relationship can make.
The one-on-one training relationship can truly be a game changer in the brain training experience. The face-to-face nature of the training relationship allows BraiRx Cognitive Trainers to:
focus on results by customizing each training session and encouraging clients to work past their comfort levels.
focus on attitude by challenging clients to recognize and pursue their potential, learning to see failure not as something to be avoided at all costs, but as a temporary stepping stone to greater success.
focus on confidence by encouraging struggling children and adults to fully engage, embrace challenges, recognize improvements, and celebrate gains.
Program Options:
(3 - 4 sessions per week)
BrainRx Base Programs
New client to BrainRx (children and adults)
One-on-one cognitive development program over a 3 - 8 month period, depending on the outcome of your initial cognitive assessment (Gibson Test of Cognitive Skills) and your personal goals.
Cognitive One-on-One Training
Trainer supported Digital Training
BrainRx Booster Programs
Only available on completion of a Base Program
BrainRx Booster Programs are available to clients who have completed a base program and are interested in, or require, additional cognitive training. The Booster Program can be done immediately following the Base Program, or anytime afterwards.
A BrainRx booster program is offered as a 36-hour/8-week or 54-hour/12-week follow-up program.
Advanced Cognitive One-on-One Training
Advanced Trainer supported Digital Training
Skills strengthened by BrainRx:
Here are just some of the skills strengthened by the BrainRx cognitive development program -
Attention (Selective, Divided and Sustained Attention) The ability to stay on task even when distractions are present.
Simultaneous Processing The ability to handle more than one thing at a time (i.e., the ability to recognize a word without sounding it out, listen to the instructor while taking notes, or to drive a car while carrying on a conversation).
Sequential Processing The ability to link a series of input over time. This is a skill required for reading so that the beginner can blend a series of sounds to create words and the advanced reader can link a series of words in order to understand the story or idea.
Planning The ability to decide how you are going to solve a problem, make sure it gets done, check it for mistakes, and modify it if needed.
Processing Speed The ability to perform cognitive tasks quickly which is an important skill for complex tasks or tasks that have many steps (i.e. if you are dividing two numbers in your head but the processing is slow, you might have forgotten an earlier calculation before you are done and have to start all over again. You took longer to do the problem than your ability to remember).
Short-Term Memory The ability to store and recall small amounts of information about the current situation. Students with short-term memory problems may need to look several times at something before copying, have problems following instructions, or need to have information repeated often.
Long-Term Memory The ability to recall information when needed that was stored in the past. This is very important for spelling, recalling facts on tests & exams, and comprehension.
Auditory Processing The ability to perceive, analyze, and conceptualize what is heard. This is critical in reading and spelling because it includes hearing, identifying and blending sounds, and sounding out words.
Visual Processing The ability to perceive, analyze, and think in visual images. This includes visualization, which is the ability to create a picture in your mind. Students who have problems with visual processing may reverse letters or have difficulty following instructions, reading maps, doing word math problems, and comprehension.
ReadRx is an intensive sound-to-code reading, comprehension and spelling program for children and adults.
ReadRx includes all BrainRx cognitive development procedures, auditory processing training, intensive phonemic awareness training, plus basic and complex sound-to-code reading training.
Skills strengthened by ReadRx:
Some of the skills we strengthen include the following:
Auditory Processing
Allows the brain to analyze, blend, and segment sounds, and is critical for successful reading.
This is the ability to interpret and attach meaning to spoken or written language.
Working Memory
Allows you to retain information while you’re using it.
Word Attack (Decoding)
Decoding is the process of converting symbols to language. Word attack is the strategy of using sound-letter correspondence rules to decode new or nonsense words.
Reading Fluency
The ability to quickly and accurately read simple sentences with expression, and is a necessary foundation for reading comprehension.
Processing Speed
Processing Speed allows the brain to perform tasks quickly and accurately.
Spelling Sounds and Awareness
The ability to identify/manipulate sounds, and understand how individual sounds work together in spoken words. Also, the ability to use knowledge of sounds and spelling patterns to write words.
These skills are the primary accelerator of reading development.
Who would benefit from ReadRx:
• Adults and children struggling with reading, spelling or comprehension
• Adults and children diagnosed with Dyslexia
• Students who wish to improve their cognitive skills so they can read, comprehend and spell quickly and efficiently. These could include:
• Children who should shift from learning to read, to reading to learn
• University-level students wanting to improve reading, comprehension and spelling for their studies
• Adults wanting to improve their reading and comprehension
• Career adults wanting to improve their reading, spelling and comprehension ability for work

Program Options:
Started on completion of a BrainRx base program
Program length: 72 hours
3 - 4 sessions per week

About BrainLeap's Attention Arcade
BrainLeap Attention Arcade™ is a program consisting of research based Attention and Focus training games.
Attention is so important for learning! Attention skills are important for reading, math, executive function and so much more.
And until now, it was hard for parents to help a child learn these skills. Now it is easy!
The Attention Arcade™ is a suite of gaze-driven games specifically designed to train foundational attention skills that are important for reading, math, and learning overall.
Without strong attention skills, it can be difficult to learn, because attention is critical to self-control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility - known collectively as Executive Function skills.
Children struggle with these skills because of increased workload, busy environments, genes, autism, ADHD and many other reasons. The good news is that attention skills can be strengthened (even in children with already good or average attention and focus skills). And, with the right intervention, a child can improve attention and reduce distractions.
BrainLeap's attention training exercises, developed at the University of California in San Diego, can help children achieve more.
BrainLeap Attention Arcade™ consists of game based exercises that each train a different aspect of attention and focus (and even inhibitory control, visual discrimination, visual span, etc.), and is suitable for children from the age of 5 years up to university-age students.
Each exercise has been developed to integrate with the latest eye-tracking technology. All exercises are hands-free and all exercises are executed with only using the student’s eyes.
(And students love it!)
The BrainLeap Attention Arcade™ program includes the following:
9 Attention training games that each train different aspects of attention
5 Assessments to measure improvements in different aspects of attention throughout the program
Reporting tools for program facilitators to closely monitor each student
Program Options:
(minimum 3 x 30 minute sessions per week)
Basic BrainLeap Programs
40-Session/20-Hour BrainLeap Program
(2.5 month program)
56-Session/28-Hour BrainLeap Program
(3.5 month program)
Advanced BrainLeap Programs
72-Session/36-Hour BrainLeap Program
(4.5 month program)
104-Session/52-hour BrainLeap Program
(6.5 month program)
BrainLeap seems to have found the perfect recipe because kids are learning to stay focused, all while having fun! Ask us how you can invest in your child's future to give them the gift of better attention and focus.
Dr. Mole & Mr. Hide trains the ability to quickly and accurately orient the player’s gaze and attention to a sudden event, and to monitor a wide range of view. As the game gets harder, inhibitory control is also developed as the player avoids looking at the professor moles.
Shroomdigger trains attention by requiring steady fixation of gaze, visual search in a crowded field, and the ability to ignore moving distractions. This game is unlocked after 20 minutes of play.
Space Race trains anticipatory focus by requiring the player to gaze ahead of the current ship position. Executive functions related to planning are also trained. This game is unlocked after 40 minutes of play.
Ring Leader trains the ability to orient attention quickly then hold a steady fixation of attention and gaze to get through the rings. This game is unlocked after 90 minutes of play.
Kung Fall trains planning, steady fixation of attention and gaze, and the ability to ignore moving distractions. This game is unlocked after 3 hours of play.
Butterfly Bob trains anticipatory focus, planning, and prioritization. This game is unlocked after 4 hours of play.
Trapped-a-Zoid trains inhibitory control of attention, requiring the player to suppress salient visual input. Executive function is trained by engaging top-down strategy planning. This game is unlocked after 5 hours of play.
Specter Collector measures the timing and accuracy of the player’s ability to orient their attention to a peripheral stimulus.
Soup’s On requires players to stare at the campfire to keep it lit even while presented with distractions. This measures a player’s ability to ignore distractions and maintain focus.
In Tiger Trot, the player must maintain fixation on the tiger cub while responding to peripheral cues. Tiger Trot provides a sensitive measure of covert orienting speed.
Gone Fishing requires measures the speed of reaction to the fish targets and inhibitory control in terms of the student’s ability to suppress a look at the turtle (a distractor). Because the game requires players to switch between pro-saccade and anti-saccade trials, it also measures task-switching ability.
Turbo Tortoise requires a player to maintain focus on the tortoise while responding to different stimuli for an extended period of time. This assessment provides a sensitive measure of attentional vigilance.
How does the Attention Arcade™ work?
Eye movement and attention are tightly linked and share much of the same brain circuitry. To put it simply, where we look and where we are planning to look are where we are placing our attention. The games leverage this connection with games designed to train different aspects of attention. The player uses his or her eyes to control the games via an eye tracker.
Do the attention skills learned in the games transfer to schoolwork, which is often less engaging?
In the study at UC San Diego (before BrainLeap was founded), the skills learned in the attention training games transferred to the in-lab assessments which are not games. Just as importantly, educators and parents have told us that the attention training games have helped their students/children with reading skills, ability to stay on task in math, reduced distractibility, planning, and more.
Don’t children already play enough video games? Why would we want to have them play more?
Nothing is inherently bad about video games. It is typically the amount of time a child plays that can be the problem, because it is keeping them away from learning new skills or getting exercise. When a child is learning a new skill, gaining new knowledge, or learning empathy, video games can be a safe and fun way to practice and learn something.
What ages is it designed for?
The games are designed for children from the age of 5 years up to university age. Ideally, we want to help students as young as possible who are capable of playing the games because of the long-term impact it can have on their education.
How often does a student have to train?
Students should train for 20-30 minutes per session at least 3 times per week over 8-12 weeks to see maximum benefits.
How fast should we see results?
Improvements are closely tied to the amount of time played as well as the child's individual skills level. If a child is playing daily for 20 minutes or more, you could see results in as little as 4 weeks with significant improvements possible after 8 weeks.
How do we know if the games are improving attention?
You will notice it in your child’s behavior. However, we also include objective measures of attention in the game suite. These measure transfer of the skills learned in the games to other applications (gamified assessments).
Students get a baseline assessment within the first hour of training. They are assessed again regularly to measure progress.
Examples of assessment measures:
A sensitive measure of covert orienting speed
Speed of response
Inhibitory control
Task switching ability
Time and accuracy of the player’s ability to orient attention to a peripheral stimulus
The Gibson Test of Cognitive Skills is a gold standard, internationally acclaimed cognitive assessment that will tell us why you or your child are experiencing certain challenges or frustrations, and show you which cognitive skills may need to be targeted and strengthened to experience real change (even if you're an already high-performing student/adult).
The assessment will:
Pinpoint specific cognitive weaknesses that are holding you or your child back
Reveal the "why" behind struggles or frustrations you may have been observing for some time
Provide a detailed scientific look at individual cognitive strengths and weaknesses
Give you valuable insights into the next-best-step
The Gibson Test meets the highest scientific standards, and is used by professionals including Psychologists, Educators, Neurologists, Audiologists, Speech & Language professionals, and Cognitive Training specialists around the world.
It is a non-invasive assessment, has been validated and normed twice by experts in the fields of learning and cognition, and has strong psychometric properties that meet or exceed the standards for educational tests. The assessment is available in more than 23 languages, including English and Afrikaans.
It is one of the few cognitive tests that measure a wide range of cognitive skills - the core skills the brain uses to think, learn, and perform in school, at university, at work, and in life.
What the Gibson Test Measures
The Gibson Test of Cognitive Skills scientifically measures the performance of the following key cognitive skills:
• Short-term and Long-term Memory
• Processing Speed
• Auditory Processing
• Visual Processing
• Logic & Reasoning
• Attention Skills
It also measures:
• Word Attack skills (essential for fluent reading)
The detailed assessment report you will receive following the completion of your assessment will give you a detailed look at individual cognitive strengths and weaknesses in each of these areas.